So far the following artists are on board for the “Walk for the Planet” contributing in various ways to our program.

Lisa Supertramp
Singer, songwriter. Tells stories and invites people to share her ideas and dreams with her songs accompanied by a guitar and loop station.
More Informations:
Deejay Hurricane
Works as a DJ in clubs of Freiburg and on various festivals (Fusion, Bucht der Träumer, Wilde Möhre, Tuntenball).
Mixing genres: Indie, Hip Hop, 80s/90s, Electro

Marco Keller
Photographer, reporter & film maker. Will present his cinema documentary “AGROcalypse - The day GMO soy arrived.
His projects and some of his film contributions can be found at: www.coreoperation.de
Additionally to the fixed programme we are planning to offer our karaoke “Sing for the planet”. At the silent disco “Dance for the Planet” we would like to offer an open turntable and on some occasions an open stage. If you are interested to contribute to our programme please contact us (and send your portfolio or idea) and we will get in contact with you as soon as possible.
Please understand that we cannot consider and answer all enquiries.
Artists who have supported us already:
Ngoma, Konrad Dycke, Mofux, Deejay Hurricane, Mio & His Flute, Mr. Bardo, Till Hall, Mio & His Flute, MINT, Ella Stracciatella, Trashfrettchen, Lisa Supertramp, Fennis und die Zeitgeister.
Thank you to all artists, helping hands and locations who have supported our project so far and those who will support us in the future!