The majority of the global crop harvest is used to feed beef cattle. Instead, it also could be used to feed us humans, 90% of the global soy yield and 51% of the global crop yields end up in the stomachs of animals. Through this indirection we are losing plant-based resources that are no longer available to feed us humans.

Anbau genetisch veränderter Sojabohnen in Brasilien

Soweit das Auge reicht wird Soja für die Tiermast in Brasilien angebaut.

Masttierhaltung in Deutschland. Diese Schweine aus einem konventionellen Betrieb in der Schwarzwaldregion werden mit Gensoja gefüttert.

Anbau genetisch veränderter Sojabohnen in Brasilien
Pictures of GMO Soy Agribusiness in Brazil
Too much energy is lost in meat production. To produce 1kg of meat, up to 12kg of soy beans or crop and approx. 15.000 litres of water are needed. If soy is used directly to produce food, e.g. tofu, soy schnitzel or soy milk, water is added which increases the volume. The result is 12-20kg, based on the product. This could feed a lot more people. Plant based food could solve our global feeding problems and at the same time, lesser resources would be needed.
This means there was more space for us humans, animals and nature. Large land masses would be available for regeneration and forests. A current Oxford university study finds that a landmass as big as the US, China, Australia and Europe would become available if all humans switched to a plant-based diet. This is the easiest and most efficient way to fight against global warming, environmental pollution, and starvation.

The world’s population rises quickly. It is bound to rise from 7 billion to 8 billion by 2025. The demand for food will rise at the same speed.